We turned Corey Smallwood, AKA TheBlackHokage into a live cartoon character in the style of the Amazon Prime show Fairfax. Twitch chat used chat commands to vote on various outfit pieces which updated in real time during the livestream.
Using our innovative Twitch streamer tools, there is no need for motion capture suits or complex applications to be installed. The streamer simply adds a new source for their webcam, and adds the Powster bot to their channel.
Our live Twitch voting mechanic allowed viewers to vote on the streamers ‘drip’ creating a feeling of connection to the cartoon character, with the streamer reacting in realtime to the votes.
We can allow Twitch chat to control any visuals on screen opening doors for immersive and interactive streams.
The Powster Twitch bot can allow chat to power:
TheBlackHokage was featured on the frontpage of Twitch with his audience watching the trailer for the show, a full 2 hours of Fairfax content, 4 voting moments to update his ‘drip’, a watch party of the first two episodes of the show, and tons of gaming action all while being a VTuber in the style of the show.
The activation engaged the gaming viewers in a fun and relevant manner turning a promotion into entertainment.